Trace offers elective classes in the arts before and after school. Classes include Drama, Choir, Band, and Orchestra.
The early-morning Drama class, taught by Mr. Michael Boston, meets before school twice weekly. Each semester, students in the class work on a theatrical production which is performed for the community. Semester 1 features a dramatic production; Semester 2 features a musical.
The Trace Choir, taught by Mr. Cruz Gonzalez, rehearses twice a week. Singing in choir will emphasize and train students to use healthy vocal techniques and open the door to singing in harmony. We will explore songs from several genres and cultures and gain experience in performance by singing in a variety of venues such as performances with the Trace band, caroling around the school in winter and off site at Westminster Church on the Alameda.
Orchestra classes, taught by Mr. Eric Finley, are offered twice weekly after school. Stringed instruments available to Orchestra students include violin, viola, cello and double bass.
Flute, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone and drums are the featured Band instruments offered by Mr. Harry Reed, band teacher. Children may sign up for an instrument that interests them. Band classes are offered after school only and are scheduled based on instrument type.
The specifics for each program are distributed at the beginning of the year, when students are offered the opportunity to sign up. While we request a small donation for participation in these extracurricular activities to maintain program support, all students can participate regardless of their ability to donate.
For more information, call the school (408-535-6257) or email:
Drama: Mike Boston -
Choir: Cruz Gonzalez -
Band/Guitar: Harry Reed -